3×3 – Great And Poor CX Design Tactics That Influence Your Product
Each year on the first Tuesday in October, the CX Design community gathers the professionals and companies that make great customer experiences happen – to celebrate the CX Day.
Innovatika’s strategists, growth-hackers, designers and our CTO design and test brand new strategies to improve the startups’ CX. Today, on CX DAY we are reversing the roles. This time they are stepping in the customers’ shoes and will share their best and the worst experiences. Thanks to this, we have collected a few important rules worth remembering!
What strategies will result in better CX Design:
Responding quickly to unusual situations and customer feedback.
The ability to skillfully respond to customers’ problems or unusual situations is the key to a good customer experience. As in life, not everything goes according to our plan. Analogically – the companies are not able to anticipate all possible scenarios and respond in advance. However, flexibility and the willingness to support the client in unusual situations is of paramount importance. As you continue reading, even spilling a fresh smoothie all over yourself can be a good customer experience. If it gets the right response, of course. The same goes for feedback. Many companies ask their customers how they rate their services, but few actually respond to customer feedback. Meanwhile, it’s a great way to not only cover a bad memory, but also gain some positive publicity.
Efficient CX Design
It is not really about what we do but how we do it. You can repair your computer under warranty, causing its owner a lot of stress and time. And you can do it efficiently, quickly and at no extra cost. It is not only about the equipment, but also about the feeling that a company is reliable, that it provides support when the product breaks.
Meeting customers’ expectations
When you understand your clients’ needs, you can not only respond to the pressing issues at hand. You are able to be one step ahead and offer something that simply makes their life easier.
A thoughtful process of ordering furniture helps make the right decisions faster. The appropriate model of calculating fees for a software takes away the unnecessary and tedious work of updating data on the administrator’s account. This allows the client to pay full attention to what is most important, knowing that everything else is happening in the background.
What Makes the CX Design go bad?
Overpromising and underdelivering on CX Design
It has the biggest impact on the customer experience. It results in great dissatisfaction and reluctance to reach for a given product / service. But also decreases the level of trust in the company. This happens when, for example, we offer online shopping service, and deliver orders with missing items. Similarly, when creating an online account, it turns out that in order to complete the registration process a code, which can only be received in person in an offline facility is required. If we anticipate that similar situations may happen while using our product, it is worth paying more attention to be able to fix the problems before they occur.
Pop-up overkill
It’s often as daunting as breaking a promise. Customers visiting our website, shop or blog usually come there for a very specific purpose. Our task is to help the client achieve his goal. If at any time we overwhelm him with the number of messages he has to read and close, and God forbid, we still hide the “x” sign or make it too small on mobile devices to comfortably click on it, user irritation is guaranteed. It is better to think about the number of messages and offers that appear on the page and put more emphasis on them appearing at the right moment in the process than scare the potential customer with a pop-up that he cannot close.
Arrogant customer approach
Some companies do not have to win over clients because the product offered is highly desirable and scarce on the market. The companies can often be arrogant, by the use of various legal tricks and unfavorable for individual clients. The customer treated this way will certainly not recommend anyone to use this service, furthermore many people will be discouraged if the story gets shared. Secondly, the customer is unlikely to choose this company again. Finally, it’s worth noting that the market situation is often dynamic and our company may be a tycoon on the market now, however if things change our customers will go to a competitor very quickly.